About Me

Hello. I’m Iain R. Learmonth a.k.a. irl. My pronouns are he/him. Words that can describe me include: hacker, researcher, developer and activist. I live in Aberdeen, Scotland, Europe, Earth, Milky Way.

I design, build, and analyse systems for communications. These systems often, but do not always, involve computers. I am particularly interested in communications that provide security (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) in the most challenging of conditions.

I am a founding member of 57North Hacklab, Aberdeen’s first hackerspace. I hack both hardware and software, though I am definitely more proficient with software.

I am a licensed radio amateur with the callsign MM0ROR and enjoy operating with packet modes and using low power levels (QRP). In the past I maintained a number of amateur radio packages in Debian though have since redirected that effort towards the HamBSD project. I also maintain two APRS digipeaters that serve Aberdeen City and the surrounding area.

In my day job, I’m a software developer and systems administrator (hire me) working on communications related projects. My work often has a focus on security, robustness and resilience to ensure applications are respectful of their users’ fundamental rights and to ensure continued operation in the face of accidental or deliberate interference.

Previously, I have been a software developer and researcher in the Metrics team at Tor Project and a researcher in the Electronics Research Group at the University of Aberdeen.

Finally, I am an Emergency Response Volunteer with the British Red Cross, providing practical and emotional support to those in need. This can be during major incidents supporting category 1 and 2 responders, or to bolster capacity for other voluntary sector organisations when required.
