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Consolidation and simplification

I’ve been doing a lot of consolidation and simplification in an effort to reduce the amount of brain I have to expend on various tasks and responsibilities. I think it’s working.

Last week I wrote about Ansible for Tor Metrics. I’ve also been working on Ansible for my own stuff. Some of the things I’ve been working on include:

  • consistent user account setup and synchronised SSH public keys
  • consistent privilege escalation (doas on OpenBSD, sudo on Debian)
  • all hosts are backed up via BackupPC
  • all hosts are monitored in Nagios

If you want to check out this stuff as it evolves, I’ve pushed it to (this link might break, I make no promises).

Continue as normal

I’m thinking to experiment with a loosely organised but perhaps more regular posting style. I’m going to post these under the tag “journal” because I think that will fit these quite well. We’ll see if I keep these up, or if this one ends up standing alone.

For many people right now is a time of uncertainty, anxiety, fear and loss. For me though today was pretty much a normal day. I work from home anyway so I’m doing what I do every week day. Today felt a little more normal than other days as I was attempting to work exlusively on a new laptop.