Me and Ana travelled to Cambridge last weekend for the Debian UK BBQ. We
travelled by train and it was a rather scenic journey. In the past, on long
journeys, I’ve used APRS-IS to beacon my location and plot my route but I have
recently obtained the GPS module for my Yaesu VX-8DE and I thought I’d give
some real RF APRS a go this time.
While the APRS IGate coverage in the UK is a little disappointing, as is
evidenced by the map, a few cool things did happen. I recieved a simplex APRS
message from a radio amateur 2M0RRT with the text “test test IO86ML” (but
unfortunately didn’t notice until we’d long passed by, sorry for not
replying!) and quite a few of my packets, sent from a 5 watt handheld in
Cambridge, were heard by the station M0BPQ-1 in North London (digipeated by