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Day 3 - Wednesday



This blog post is more than two years old. It is preserved here in the hope that it is useful to someone, but please be aware that links may be broken and that opinions expressed here may not reflect my current views. If this is a technical article, it may no longer reflect current best practice.

My first timetabled session on a Wednesday is a lecture for Distributed Systems. I overslept and had missed the first half hour of this lecture by the time I got into Uni. Rather than turn up to the lecture late, I went straight to Room 205 to look at the lecture slides online.

I then started on the Enterprise Computing practical. This is scheduled at 12pm and runs until 2pm but I run the Computing Science Society helpdesk in Room 205 every Wednesday from 1pm and so I never make it to this practical. If I have any problems during the practical, I speak to Bruce, the lecturer, after the next Enterprise Computing lecture.

We have recently had an advertising drive for the helpdesk and someone arrived requiring help with their laptop. They had upgraded some software that was causing issues and so I simply rolled it back to the original version that worked. Whilst, for me, this is a simple task, those attending the helpdesk generally won’t have any experience with the more technical aspects of their computer and are usually quite grateful for our help. It’s very rewarding.

The helpdesk closes at around 5pm and then there is an hour break before the Computing Science Society’s weekly meeting begins. We used to have our meetings the other side of campus in the MacRobert building, but have now moved them to Room 205. It is tradition that we go to L.A. Tandoori before the meeting and get either a pizza or some combination of chips, cheese and Donner. Even now it is a bit further to walk, we still stick to this tradition. I knew I was going to get a takeaway tomorrow, so I opted for the cheaper option of chips, cheese and Donner over the pizza this week.

At 6pm we started the weekly meeting and our former president gave a talk on JavaScript and how to use it to create pictures in web pages. Following the talk, some of us tried out some of the examples he had given us for a bit. For the third years though, including myself, attention quickly turned to the Distributed Systems assessment that would be due on Friday.

After a couple of hours of working on the assessment, it was time to call it a day and I headed home.