HamBSD Development Log 2020-05-07

· hambsd journal aprs openbsd ax25
This blog post is more than two years old. It is preserved here in the hope that it is useful to someone, but please be aware that links may be broken and that opinions expressed here may not reflect my current views. If this is a technical article, it may no longer reflect current best practice.

I worked on HamBSD today, still looking at improvements to aprsisd(8). My focus today was on writing unit tests for aprsisd.

I’ve added a few unit tests to test the generation of the TNC2 format packets from AX.25 packets to upload to APRS-IS. There’s still some todo entries there as I’ve not made up packets for all the cases I wanted to check yet.

These are the first unit tests I’ve written for HamBSD and it’s definitely a different experience compared to writing Python unit tests for example. The framework for the tests uses bsd.regress.mk(5). The tests are C programs that include functions from aprsisd.

In order to do this I’ve had to split the function that converts AX.25 packets to TNC2 packets out into a seperate file. This is the sort of thing that I’d be more comfortable doing if I had more unit test coverage. It seemed to go OK and hopefully the coverage will improve as I get more used to writing tests in this way.

I also corrected a bug from yesterday where AX.25 3rd-party packets would have their length over-reported, leaking stack memory to RF.

I’ve been reading up on the station capabilities packet and it seems a lot of fields have been added by various software over time. Successful APRS IGate Operation (WB2OSZ, 2017) has a list of some of the fields and where they came from under “IGate Status Beacon” which seems to be what this packet is used for, not necessarily advertising the capabilities of the whole station.

If this packet were to become quite long, there is the possibility for an amplification attack. Someone with a low power transmitter can send an IGate query, and then get the IGate to respond with a much longer packet at higher power. It’s not even clear in the reply why this packet would be being sent as the requestor is not mentioned.

I think this will be the first place where I implement some rate limiting and see how that works. Collecting some simple statistics like the number of packets uploaded/downloaded would also be useful for monitoring.

Next steps:

  • Keep track of number of packets uploaded and downloaded
  • Add those statistics to station capabilities packet

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