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A Virtual Machine Host

It’s very easy to set up libvirt with QEMU/KVM on a Linux box and have it work for a while. It’s more difficult to have a system set up that’s going to be somewhat robust and maintainable over a longer period of time.

I am using a dedicated server from Hetzner. I have not personally had any serious problems with Hetzner, and price is the main reason that I’ve chosen them over other providers.

Free Software Efforts (2017W44)

Here’s my weekly report for week 44 of 2017. This has been a quiet week.

Tor Project

In this week I have looked at metrics-bot being compliant with the Tor metrics team’s Java style guide (#24080 ) and integrating it into a unified package naming scheme (#24036 ).

There has been a lot of refactoring in metrics-bot this week as components are starting to mature. I have started work on using metrics-base, the metrics team directory structure for Java projects and also formatting, but this still needs more work before it is completed.

Free Software Efforts (2017W43)

Here’s my weekly report for week 43 of 2017. This has been a quiet week.

Tor Project

In this week metrics-bot has had some issues where Onionoo was disappearing (#23928 ). I have been building in better error handling for requests to external services. I’ve also started to investigate other templates for status updates that might be useful (#23937 ), and have added a configuration framework to allow for credentials for services to be externally provided (#23933 ).