IETF 104 in Prague
Thanks to support from Article 19, I was able to attend IETF 104 in Prague, Czech Republic this week. Primarily this was to present my Internet Draft which takes safe measurement principles from Tor Metrics work and the Research Safety Board and applies them to Internet Measurement in general.

My IETF badge, complete with additional tag for my nick
I attended with a free one-day pass for the IETF and free hackathon registration, so more than just the draft presentation happened. During the hackathon I sat at the MAPRG table and worked on PATHspider with Mirja Kühlewind from ETH Zurich. We have the code running again with the latest libraries available in Debian testing and this may become the basis of a future Tor exit scanner (for generating exit lists, and possibly also some bad exit detection). We ran a quick measurement campaign that was reported in the hackathon presentations.