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An OpenBSD Mail Server on Digital Ocean

I never finished this blog post, but I'm hitting publish anyway, maybe something in here is useful. If you were looking for a complete guide then this isn't going to be what you wanted.

I am one person, but I have many roles. I’m starting to find that I’m getting too much information from too many directions. I’m also finding that I don’t have access to certain information when I need it due to operational security issues. The biggest problem that I’m having with email right now is that 99.9% of my email is going into a single inbox.

OpenBSD with GPS synchronised NTP

I wrote on Monday about how I’ve swapped my home router for an OpenBSD box. One of the fun things I’ve done with this box is configure it as a network time server using ntpd(8).

Synchronising time with servers on the Internet isn’t that exciting, but I’ve had a USB GPS dongle sitting doing nothing for a while. I originally purchased it to use with amateur radio projects but I haven’t done much radio recently. It looks like you can pick these up on eBay for around £11.00 and the newer ones also support GLONASS (mine only does GPS as far as I can tell).

OpenBSD with PlusNet VDSL

For a long time we’ve had a Cisco 887VA acting as our VDSL modem and gateway. We got this for the old flat when we moved in there in 2016 and took it with us to where we live now. It’s been quite reliable but the Ethernet interfaces are only 10/100Mbps and there are some limitations to the software where either features are hidden behind additional licenses or they are missing altogether. The software was last updated in 2016 and there’s no easy way to get hold of later firmware.