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Burgers 2016

Me and Ana travelled to Cambridge last weekend for the Debian UK BBQ. We travelled by train and it was a rather scenic journey. In the past, on long journeys, I’ve used APRS-IS to beacon my location and plot my route but I have recently obtained the GPS module for my Yaesu VX-8DE and I thought I’d give some real RF APRS a go this time.

While the APRS IGate coverage in the UK is a little disappointing, as is evidenced by the map, a few cool things did happen. I recieved a simplex APRS message from a radio amateur 2M0RRT with the text “test test IO86ML” (but unfortunately didn’t notice until we’d long passed by, sorry for not replying!) and quite a few of my packets, sent from a 5 watt handheld in Cambridge, were heard by the station M0BPQ-1 in North London (digipeated by MB7UM).

MiniDebCamp Vienna 2016

I’m currently in Vienna for MiniDebCamp and MiniDebConf at FH Technikum Wien, hosted as a part of Linuxwochen Wien. Today and yesterday have been spent hacking on Debian, and I’ve produced a few package updates and closed a few bugs.


The last update to Scapy in Debian was in August 2011. Bug # 773554 was filed in 2014 to request a new upstream version be packaged and in a few days this bug should be closed. As this package is maintained by someone else and I’m performing a non-maintainer upload, the upload will sit in the delayed queue for 3 days.

After FOSDEM 2016

FOSDEM was fun. It was great to see all these open source projects coming together in one place and it was really good to talk to people that were just as enthusiastic about the FOSS activities they do as I am about mine.

Thanks go to Saúl Corretgé who looked after the real-time communications dev room and made sure everything ran smoothly. I was very pleased to find that I had to stand for a couple of talks as the room was full with people eager to learn more about the world of RTC.