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Days 4 and 5 - Thursday and Friday

My only scheduled session on Thursday started at 2pm, so I didn’t go into Uni until I’d made sure that I had a good lunch. The session was a practical for Distributed Systems, although no task was set, only to work on the assessment due the next day. Some had nearly finished, some had finished and some had hardly started.

Our group project normally meets on a Friday morning, but we had already agreed that this would be moved to Monday due to the deadline.

Day 3 - Wednesday

My first timetabled session on a Wednesday is a lecture for Distributed Systems. I overslept and had missed the first half hour of this lecture by the time I got into Uni. Rather than turn up to the lecture late, I went straight to Room 205 to look at the lecture slides online.

I then started on the Enterprise Computing practical. This is scheduled at 12pm and runs until 2pm but I run the Computing Science Society helpdesk in Room 205 every Wednesday from 1pm and so I never make it to this practical. If I have any problems during the practical, I speak to Bruce, the lecturer, after the next Enterprise Computing lecture.

Day 2 - Tuesday

Tuesday is my busiest timetabled day. The first lecture is at 10am, for Distributed Systems. The topic of the lecture was network security. This is an area I am interested in and have done a lot of reading about before the lecture but there were still new concepts being introduced and others that I didn’t understand fully being better explained.

Directly after this was another lecture, this time for CS3518. This lecture continued on yesterday’s lecture talking about Computability and Complexity.