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WordPress Projects

So, I’ve been working on the Last.FM plugin, which got slightly out of hand when I tried to add a new post type to WordPress for music reviews and then integrate it with Last.FM. It might be an interesting project to work on, but not at the moment. I have too much else going on including SpaceBarPlus stuff.

I’m going to focus my time for the next few weeks on:

Adapa’s Last.FM plugin for WordPress

Over the last few days, you may have noticed the “Music” link appear on my navigation bar. Music, and the pages under Music, are generated by a new plugin I’ve written to allow the inclusion of Last.FM information on WordPress pages.

I’ve used other Last.FM plugins for WordPress before, but never found one that had everything I wanted. For this reason, I’m in the process of creating the most comprehensive Last.FM plugin to ever have existed. If you have any feature requests, you can leave a comment on this post and I’ll implement it.

All aboard for the Imagine Cup

The Imagine Cup is about saving the world through technology. It’s about showcasing what you can do by building a solution on a Microsoft platform. It’s about securing the next generation of talented software developers, and your last chance to enter is now. You can solve problems, give your career options a boost, and have fun while doing so.

At 23:59 on Friday 10th December (that’s tomorrow night) the first round of the Imagine Cup closes for the UK – this means that, after that point, you won’t be able to enter the Software Design and Embedded Development sections of the Imagine Cup for this year.