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Free Software Efforts (2018W33)

I’m writing this weekly report early this week as I won’t be around tomorrow to post it. I will be mostly offline next week as I will be at ACM SIGCOMM 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. Here’s what I’ve been up to: Tor Project Lots of Onionoo and Debian packaging this week. Onionoo Graph History Documents On Monday, we released Onionoo 1.16.1 and deployed this to the official Onionoo instances. This fixed the issue with the serialization of Graph History documents that was breaking history graphs on Relay Search.

Free Software Efforts (2018W32)

Here’s what I’ve been up to: Tor Project Lots of Relay Search and Onionoo this week. Relay Search Fixes to the aggregated map and top relays views were made to complete changes that had happened elsewhere in the codebase but not been kept in sync here. Unfortunately there is a little too much logic in Relay Search that really should be handled by the backend which has lead to code duplication in places.

Free Software Efforts (2018W31)

Here’s what I’ve been up to: Tor Project This week has been more reviews than writing code. Onionoo history periods change To simplify the Onionoo codebase and remove redundant data from the documents, the 3-month graphs will now become 6-month graphs and the 1-month graphs will be dropped. I have been reviewing changes for this in Onionoo and ensuring that Relay Search is prepared for the changes. Tor Metrics News via Twitter I’ve been exploring syndicating the Tor Metrics news feed via Twitter using Huginn.