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Installing MediaGoblin on FreeBSD

GNU MediaGoblin is a web application for hosting and sharing media. At 57North Hacklab, we currently have a Flickr group but to post to Flickr it is necessary to have a Yahoo! account and this seems like an unreasonable requirement to impose on members that want to share photos. This led to me setting up MediaGoblin. Hopefully it will also be useful for sharing other forms of media beyond photos too.

Debian Med Sprint 2014

Last weekend, I attended the Debian Med Sprint for 2014 in Stonehaven, Aberdeen. The event was essentially an unconference hackathon with a few untalks.

On the Saturday, I participated in Andreas‘ live packaging session where we packaged seqtk and dnaclust. I found the documentation for dnaclust and produced a man page for inclusion in the package.

With my new Debian packaging knowledge, I packaged a personal project python-fitbitscraper as python3-fitbitscraper in Debian. This effort ran to the end of the sprint.

WordPress Projects

So, I’ve been working on the Last.FM plugin, which got slightly out of hand when I tried to add a new post type to WordPress for music reviews and then integrate it with Last.FM. It might be an interesting project to work on, but not at the moment. I have too much else going on including SpaceBarPlus stuff.

I’m going to focus my time for the next few weeks on: