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Free Software Efforts (2017W39)

Here’s my weekly report for week 39 of 2017. In this week I have travelled to Berlin and caught up on some podcasts in doing so. I’ve also had some trouble with the RSS feeds on my blog but hopefully this is all fixed now.

Thanks to Martin Milbret I now have a replacement for my dead workstation, an HP Z600, and there will be a blog post about this new set up to come next week. Thanks also to Sýlvan and a number of others that made donations towards getting me up and running again. A breakdown of the donations and expenses can be found at the end of this post.

Free Software Efforts (2017W38)

Here’s my weekly report for week 38 of 2017. This week has not been a great week as I saw my primary development machine die in a spectacular reboot loop. Thanks to the wonderful community around Debian and free software (that if you’re reading this, you’re probably part of), I should be back up to speed soon. A replacement workstation is currently moving towards me and I’ve received a number of smaller donations that will go towards video converters and upgrades to get me back to full productivity.

Small Glowing Thing

Quite a while ago I obtained an Adafruit NeoPixel Stick. It was cheap enough to be an impulse buy but it took me some time to get around to actually doing something with it.

I’ve been wanting to play a little more with the ATtiny range of microcontrollers so these things seemed to go together nicely. It turns out that getting an ATtiny programmed is actually rather simple using an Arduino as an ISP programmer. I’ve written up some notes on the procedure at the 57North Hacklab wiki.