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Free Software Efforts (2018W28)

Last week was my second week working full time in the Metrics team at Tor Project. Here’s what I’ve been up to: Tor Project Relay Search Fixes A few fixes for Relay Search. These were all small fixes but hopefully should also be quite high impact for usability. Onionoo Enhancements The improvements to Onionoo’s reverse DNS resolver have now been finalised and merged. The plan is that this will be deployed next week.

Summer School on Internet Path Transparency Measurements

This post was originally published at the MAMI Project blog. On June the 11th the Electronics Research Group hosted the MAMI Summer School on Internet Path Transparency Measurements in Aberdeen, Scotland. This consisted of a few hands-on workshops, with participation both on-site and remote via video conference. The summer school started with Korian and Justin demonstrating Tracebox through a variety of topologies. The participants then worked on their own trying to uncover middleboxes and hidden topologies using a variety of tools, including tracebox and paris-traceroute.

The Internet of Dangerous Auction Sites

It might be that the internet era of fun and games is over, because the internet is now dangerous. – Bruce Schneier Ok, I know this is kind of old news now, but Bruce Schneier gave testimony to the House of Representatives’ Energy & Commerce Committee about computer security after the Dyn attack. I’m including this quote because I feel it sets the scene nicely for what follows here.