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Free Software Efforts (2018W29)

Last week was my third week working full time in the Metrics team at Tor Project.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

Tor Project

metrics-bot JavaDoc

In order to ensure metrics-bot remains maintainable, I have now increased the JavaDoc coverage for metrics-bot to 100% of the non-trivial public interfaces.

Onionoo Release

On Monday 16th, the Metrics Team released Onionoo 1.15.0 which implements Onionoo protocol version 6.1 (a minor bump from the previous release).

Free Software Efforts (2018W28)

Last week was my second week working full time in the Metrics team at Tor Project.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

Tor Project

Relay Search Fixes

A few fixes for Relay Search. These were all small fixes but hopefully should also be quite high impact for usability.

Onionoo Enhancements

The improvements to Onionoo’s reverse DNS resolver have now been finalised and merged. The plan is that this will be deployed next week.

I have added support to Onionoo to filter relays by operating system. This was the oldest open Onionoo ticket until it was fixed.

Free Software Efforts (2018W27)

Last week was my first week working full time in the Metrics team at Tor Project.

On Tuesday, my Internet connection was interrupted for the entire workday which did make it a little more difficult to work. I was able to use my 4G connection but, unfortunately, access to the Tor bug tracker and all of the Metrics websites were blocked requiring me to verify I was over the age of 18 to access. Tor Browser was quite happy to go around the censorship so it was not impossible to work.